Friday 14 February 2020

Week 6 : Happy Valentine's Day & Half-Term Break!

Reception concluded Term 2.1 beautifully with a busy and engaging week! Before the half-term break, we wanted to review everything taught so far this year and assess the children's phonics and reading abilities. This allows us to then plan accordingly for our return after the break. Children have done so well, and we are pleased with their progress. Please make sure to spend some time doing the homework this holiday to help your child build confidence.

We wish you a wonderful holiday!

Friday 7 February 2020

Week 5 : Jack & the Beanstalk!

What a fun and busy week, and only one more before the half-term break!

This week we read the story Jack & the Beanstalk and we learnt about plant. In English, we learnt the new sounds /igh/ and practised our writing we sentences linked to our story. 'Jack is so high!' Next week, we will assess the children's phonics and writing skills to ensure that the right support is put in place.

In Maths, we learnt to estimate. It is not easy to guess as it can be scary to get it wrong. However children did well and they gave it their best shot!

In Topic we planted magic seeds, just like Jack! As we planted them on Friday, it will be an exciting surprise to see how much they have grown when we get back on Monday!

In PSHE we talked about different types of home and children shared about their own homes. Maybe in a condo? Or in a town house? Children worked together to build different houses and discuss their similarities and differences.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!