Thursday 26 September 2019

Week 6, and we are beginning to write!

This week in Reception, children complete their first writing task and they truly enjoyed attempting to blend sounds to write words! It is wonderful to see them so confident and eager to try! We also continued to focus on weekly sounds and spent some time working with the sounds /b/, /h/, /r/. 

In Maths, children showed that they can name and describe some shapes and they enjoyed our Feely Bag activity.

In ICT children went to the ICT suite and learnt to control the mouse to complete some educational games online. It was a great review of their Phonics and Maths, whilst teaching them a new skill!

We hope you have a lovely long weekend! 

Saturday 21 September 2019

Week 5 : Parents' Week

This week in Reception was a very special week as our Parents' joined us nearly everyday! We enjoyed sharing our learning and spending time with our parents in class. It was a lovely experience for teachers, children and parents alike. I hope you enjoyed our special assembly and that you were impressed with the children's effort! 

Friday 13 September 2019

Week 4: Gentle Hands, Assembly and More!

This week in Reception we continued with our learning and made some fantastic progress! 

In Maths, we worked with numbers 0-5 and children counted different sets of objects in order to match them to the correct numerals. Next week, we will begin learning names of 2D 'flat' shapes and mathematical terms to describe them. 

In English, we focused on the sounds /ck/, /e/ and /u/ and children had the very challenging task of hearing initial, middle and ending sounds. We are improving well and will spend next week reviewing all the sounds we have learnt so far this year. Next week, we will try to segment and blend sounds in words...perhaps we will even begin to read some CVC words! 

In Topic, we held our very first Reception Assembly and children were so brave and confident! Every single child in Reception stood proud and used their loud voices to speak about their new class using a microphone. We will be practising this skill throughout the year and develop our confidence in time for the Early Years Nativity!

In PSHE, we discussed kindness and talked about being gentle with our hands. We practised spreading kindness and talked about ways to express our emotions without aggression. It was a very successful lesson.

We wish you a wonderful weekend and can't wait to have parents with us next week :)

Friday 6 September 2019

Week 3 : Wai Kru

This week in Reception we celebrated Wai Kru and our first celebration of the year was a great success! Thank you all for the love and affection shared with you teachers!

In class, children worked with the sounds d,m,g,o,c,k and they learnt to hear and say the initial sounds in words. With a sorting activity, they showed great knowledge of the sounds!

In Maths, we continued to work with numbers 1-5 and children worked on recognising and naming numerals and matching them to the correct quantity.

In Topic class, we talked about our new Reception class and compared and contrasted it with our previous school experiences. Next week, children will practise their lines at home and then take part in their first Reception assembly to become more confident with public speaking.

In PSHE we talked about kindness and how we can be kind to people in our school community. 

It was a beautiful week! Congratulations to Aya and Lua who are our first Explorers of the Week for their Self-Awareness qualities :)

Have a wonderful weekend !

Monday 2 September 2019

Week 2 : We are AWESOME!

Week 2 was filled with successes, learning and friendships in Reception! 

We apologise for the late upload, but a power outage made it impossible to upload our blog last Friday :(

In English we focused on the sounds s,a,t,p,i,n and children really showed great understanding and lots of them showed us they remember working with letters in Nursery! Children were successful sorting words according to their initial sounds and they have practised their handwriting in class.

In Maths children reviewed everything learnt in Nursery and truly impressed their teachers with their mathematical knowledge and understanding! 

In PSHE we talked about our emotions and how to manage and express them. We also learnt that negative emotions can be turned into positive ones! Children were introduced to Calm Me Time and ways to deal with our emotions.

Our Round Square focus for the first month is Self-Awareness and children are learning to be themselves, express their likes, dislikes, fears and abilities. They are encourage to share about their experiences and talk about their lives outside of school. In Topic, we made a class book titles 'We are Special!'

We are looking forward to Week 3 :D